A bar faces having to restrict its hours of entertainment after a string of complaints about noise.

Angels Bar and Club in High Street, Worthing, will have to stop its entertainment at 11pm every night rather than 3.10am - unless it makes changes and appeals against the restriction.

Adur and Worthing Councils said the venue has been causing "excessive noise" which has become a public nuisance.

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The decision, made at an Adur and Worthing Council licensing committee hearing on May 8, comes after complaints by residents and Environmental Protection officers.

The licensing committee said it had "compelling evidence" which showed that the noise affected neighbours in adjoining properties and people across the wider area.

It said a statutory notice was issued on July 26 last year over the first set of noise complaints.

This required the licence holder to reduce the nuisance from amplified music within two days and prevent any recurrence.

This was reportedly breached multiple times and the committee was told a prosecution was being brought under the Environmental Protection Act.

A licensing report also noted a "lack of commitment by the licence holder to abate the nuisance".

It said: "The committee had substantial evidence before them of all of the meetings and communications between Environmental Health and the licence holder and all of the assistance that had been provided, demonstrating ample opportunities to address problems, and yet still the licence holder had failed to take the appropriate action.

"The abatement notice had been served in July 2023 and the evidence presented indicated that the noise was the same in May 2024, which demonstrated that the licence holder would not act on their own.

"At the licence variation hearing in August 2023 the licence holder promised to carry out all recommendations.

"Although the licence holder claimed to have carried out works, it is evident from the continuing noise nuisance that these were not the works requested and that they have not been successful, if indeed there had been any works.

"The committee found the causes of the failures were mismanagement of the premises and the failure to undertake the requirements of an acoustic assessment of the premises as agreed at the licence variation hearing in August 2023."

From June 4, the venue will have to restrict loud music at 11pm each night, including at weekends, unless it makes changes.

The restriction will be in place until a "suitably qualified" person carries out a noise assessment and produces a report setting out a scheme that will keep the music at a certain non-disruptive volume.

However, the proposed scheme will need to be submitted to and agreed with the licensing authority before being implemented.

This will then need to be tested to make sure it is an effective long-term solution. The bar would then be able to apply to amend its hours again.

The bar did not respond to a request for comment.