A person fed up with the state of a village's roads has sprayed giant penises around potholes.

The crude drawings are larger than a car and can be seen from the sky in Tangmere, near Chichester.

The Argus: The two potholes are metres away from each otherThe two potholes are metres away from each other (Image: Sussex News and Pictures)

It was painted under the cover of darkness on Monday night in the quiet village - with nearby residents waking up to spot the phallic markings.

Two large potholes at the junctions with Tangmere Road, Malcolm Road, and Meadow Way were encircled by the frustrated vandal.

The Argus: The graffiti is bigger than a carThe graffiti is bigger than a car (Image: Sussex News and Pictures)

A number of smaller drawings were made around potholes in Uckfield last year and attracted attention from schoolchildren and their parents alike.

Read more: Pothole repair already failing just days after roadworks

The Argus: The Uckfield road was covered in the rude graffitiThe Uckfield road was covered in the rude graffiti (Image: Helen Carr)

It covered several metres of road outside the entrance to Uckfield College and the council turned up the same afternoon to remove the graffiti - with the worst potholes being filled in the following morning.

Worthing councillors Martin McCabe and Bob Smytherman even held a birthday party for a pothole - complete with a cake - in 2020 to spur the council to repair it.

West Sussex County Council has been approached for comment.