A 22-year-old motorcyclist has been seriously injured in a crash.

The incident happened in Worthing Road, Rustington, near the BP petrol station at around 9.45pm on May 10 and involved a red and black Lexmoto motorcycle and a black Jeep Compass.

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Sussex Police have now said that a 19-year-old pillion passenger on the motorbike was not seriously injured.

The driver of the Jeep Compass, a 56-year-old woman, suffered no injuries from the incident.

Police are appealing for anyone with information to come forward, including people with dashcam or CCTV footage.

A spokesman for Sussex Police said: "Police have appealed for witnesses or anyone with relevant information including CCTV, dashcam, or doorbell footage of the collision or the vehicles in the area at the time to come forward.

"Information can be reported to Sussex Police online, by calling 101, or email: collision.appeal@sussex.police.uk and quote serial 1496 of 10/05."