An archaeology dig is now under way at the site of a Norman structure.

The dig in Priory Park, Chichester, began on Tuesday and will run until June 3.

Chichester District Council, which has teamed up with the Chichester and District Archaeology Society to organise the excavation, said this is the seventh to take place at the site.

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The council's own archaeologist James Kenny is leading the project and will host talks at 10am, 12pm and 3pm on June 1 about the team's discoveries.

People are welcome to come and watch the dig over the next two weeks.

The team will be at the site every day except Sundays.

Last year, the foundations of walls associated with a medieval Franciscan Friary, including a buttress, were found at the site.

Archaeologists also discovered the remnants of a ditch linked to Chichester's Norman castle and some form of masonry structure, which is believed to be part of a defence structure once used over a moat.

A spokesman for Chichester District Council said: "The dig – coinciding with Chichester Roman Week – is being led by James Kenny, Chichester District Council’s archaeologist and expands on the exciting Norman finds from last year."