Garages are being demolished and cleared to make way for new council homes.

Adur District Council said contractors have begun clearing out and removing these old garage compounds in Daniel Close and Gravelly Crescent in Lancing.

The teams demolished the dozens of garages in Gravelly Crescent last week and are expected to remove the garages in Daniel Close next month.

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The sites will then be used to house a mix of one, two and three-bedroom properties to be given to families on the housing register.

The council said these new homes will be well-insulated to make them energy efficient and cheaper to run for future tenants.

They will be built using factory-built modules which reduce waste and means there is less disruption to neighbours as parts of the homes can be built off-site.

A spokesman for Adur District Council said: "The project is part of our plans to replace our old garage compounds and under-used sites with extra homes that families in our district need in Sompting, Lancing, Shoreham, Southwick and Fishersgate."