New pink recycling bins have been installed across the city.

Brighton and Hove City Council said that any items with a plug, cable, or battery inside can be put in these communal bins.

This includes headphones, cables, toys, consoles, electric toothbrushes, watches and mobile phones, along with other household appliances such as laptops, irons, toasters, and kettles.

Vapes, loose batteries, and lightbulbs should not be recycled in this way.

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In total there will be 21 of the new electrical recycling bins installed across the city.

They will be on various roads including Portland Road, Tisbury Road, Vernon Terrace and Marina Drive.

The new bins are part of the council's aim to make it easier to recycle electrical items as over two tonnes are thrown in refuse and household recycling bins across the city every year.

The council said that 75 per cent of the materials in these old electricals can be recycled properly and turned into various different items including life-saving equipment and children’s playgrounds.

Over the last two months, the council has also introduced more recycling bins for food and drink cartons.

They will be placed at 47 different locations across the city.

Councillor Tim Rowkins, cabinet member for net zero and environmental services, said: "This is a significant expansion to the city’s recycling facilities – one of our biggest priorities.

“We know a lot of food and drink cartons are placed in our household recycling bins, which contaminate our mixed recycling collections. That can mean it all ends up as general waste.

“These new bins will go a long way to fixing that problem.

"Please remember to keep those cartons clean and dry. It’s also important, as with any recycling, to place items in the bins loose.

"It might be tempting to gather them together in a plastic bag, but that bag will then contaminate the collection.

“I’m also really pleased to see huge growth in our electrical recycling facilities. Electrical items contain a lot of reusable materials and should never be thrown away, but until now, residents have had very few places to take them.

“Discarded electricals are one of the fastest growing sources of waste and a big threat to the environment and human health.”