Park toilets which were shut for 18 months amid concerns about antisocial behaviour now have a security guard.

The public toilets in Pavilion Gardens, Brighton, were closed in October 2022 due to poor condition, vandalism and high levels of anti-social behaviour. 

Hundreds of residents had signed a petition urging the council to reopen the facility.

The toilets were reopened last month and have since been staffed with two full-time employees – a toilet attendant to keep them clean and secure for the “safety of the public and staff”.

Councillor Tim Rowkins, cabinet lead for net zero and environmental services, said: “The Royal Pavilion Gardens toilets are staffed by an attendant and security and have been since we reopened them last month.

“When the decision was made to reopen the site, it was agreed that a full-time attendant and a security guard would be present to keep them clean, reduce anti-social behaviour and ensure the safety of the public and staff.

“We’ve had lots of great feedback from residents and visitors about this facility being open, and there have been no significant incidents while the staff have been in place.”