Neighbours have objected to a fitness club's application for a drinks licence.

Hove Fitness Club, in St Heliers Avenue, is seeking permission to sell alcohol every day from noon to 10pm.

The club said it provided classes and gym facilities with a cafe and wanted to be able to sell alcohol because it was a social club.

Drinks would be served to members and their guests only, with a strict age policy – Challenge 25 – and a requirement for photo ID.

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But two neighbours have lodged objections so the application will go before a licensing panel made up of three Brighton and Hove city councillors at a hearing next week.

The objectors cited concerns related to the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm.

One said: “My concerns are that an alcohol licence in this location could cause noise and disruption in a peaceful residential environment.

“I understand that the gym would permit people to consume alcohol from 12 to 10pm every day on the outside terrace.”

Another anonymous neighbour said the business was surrounded by family homes.

They said: “It would be inappropriate for the gym to operate a public bar or set any future precedent for that to happen.

“A public bar would not be in keeping with the nature and use of the site, as a gym, or the surrounding wholly residential area.”

The virtual hearing is due to start at 10am on Thursday and is scheduled to be webcast on the council’s website.