A large music event is being moved more than two miles west along the seafront because of delays to works.

Ibiza Proms, a 50-piece orchestra playing Ibiza dance anthems, was due to be the first event held at the new temporary performance space at Black Rock, near Brighton Marina, on June 29.

The event, which will also have street food vendors and bars on site, will now be held at Hove Lawns.

As a gesture of goodwill, residents living near Hove Lawns who may be most affected by the event are being offered the chance of free tickets.

A spokesman for Brighton and Hove City Council said: “Unfortunately, the new ​seafront site ​will not be ready to be used safely in time for the concert following a delay by Southern Water on work required to complete construction.”

Councillor Birgit Miller, cabinet member for culture, heritage and tourism, said: “It’s unfortunate that we’ve had to move this event so late in the day but it would be awful to disappoint so many residents and visitors who’ve bought tickets and planned their weekend.

“We looked at other venues but this is the only site that works. We’ll work with the event organisers to make sure we minimise disruption to those living around Hove Lawns, but it’s great that the organisers can offer the chance of free tickets.

“It’s frustrating that Southern Water have had a delay to their works at Black Rock and the impact this has caused. We’re still looking forward to seeing the site used as an exciting new event space, but we’ll have to wait a little longer for that.”

The chance to claim free tickets will be available for residents living in the areas immediately surrounding Hove Lawns.

Ibiza Proms organisers will be writing to these residents in early June to make sure they know the arrangements for the event and to let them know how they can get free tickets if they would like to.

They will also be contacting existing ticket holders to let them know about the changes.

Southern Water has been contacted for comment.