A swimming pool which was threatened with permanent closure will reopen later this year.

Ringmer Pool could have shut for good in 2022 when it was not considered financially viable.

The pool, off Lewes Road, Ringmer, has been out of action since an equipment failure in September 2020.

In 2022, Lewes District Council stepped in with a rescue plan and has been working with East Sussex County Council and Wave Active to bring it back into use.

Like any older swimming pool, the years of pumping and filtering millions of litres of water and chemicals have taken its toll on the original plant machinery.

The councils are funding the replacement of this essential equipment.

Now, council officers are finalising lease arrangements with the county council and will then order the specialised plant machinery to replace old and redundant equipment ahead of reopening in autumn.

Councillor Johnny Denis, cabinet member for tourism and leisure, said: “I was delighted that we were able to find a way to keep Ringmer Swimming Pool open.

“Due to the complex nature of the systems and machinery involved, the repairs and restoration is a highly specialised job.

“Our officers will be working to secure all the new plant required and liaising with specialist contractors to have it installed and commissioned.”

The £100,000 being invested in the pool by the district council is one part of a £3 million  investment programme in leisure services. 

A new roof and solar panel are planned at Seahaven Swim and Fitness in Newhaven as part of a £1.6 million refurbishment and a £976,000 grant to Wave Active will see lighting upgrades, better flooring and improved pool circulation pumps.

Duncan Kerr, chief executive of Wave Active, said: “I know how hard Councillor Denis and his colleagues at Lewes District Council are working to bring Ringmer Swimming Pool back into use. 

“My team and I are looking forward to meeting residents in Ringmer, hearing what they think and above all, welcoming them back to this much-loved pool.

“Like any community leisure venue, we need as many people as possible to use and support the facilities.”