Thousands of pounds have been raised through recycling clothes.

East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service said that clothing banks across parts of the county have raised over £7,000 for The Fire Fighters Charity in the past twelve months.

This is because people have been donating their clothes in the bins which are located at various fire stations across East Sussex.

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The donated clothes are either sold for reuse in other countries or, if they are unwearable, they are used in other industries.

The charity is given £170 from the recycling partners per tonne received.

The money is given to The Fire Fighters Charity which supports serving and retired firefighters and their families by providing services that enhance the quality of their life.

This is done through a range of support programmes including physical rehabilitation, psychological support, recuperation, and a confidential helpline.

More information can be found at

Kevin Biles, the recycling manager for The Fire Fighters Charity, said: "We thank all fire stations across East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service and also extend our thanks to members of the public who support our charity through donating their unwanted clothing.

"You all are helping us raise vital funds for our charity, whilst re-diverting this clothing away from landfill to be reused or recycled."

Doug Marshall, group manager and The Fire Fighters Charity representative at East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service, said: "The local support has been fantastic with members of the public using the clothing banks to donate their unwanted clothing.

"Well done to all stations who have been proactive in getting the message out there.

"We hope the upcoming holidays spark another clear out for people to take items to their local station clothing bank, and continue to support those in need."

The charity has run the clothes recycling scheme since 2009 in partnership with fire and rescue services and textile recycling companies across the UK.

In the last 12 months, over £900,000 has been raised across the UK and over 4,700 tonnes of clothing has been donated.