I've just checked my book diary (yes, I know, but a few years ago I got so tired of not remembering what I'd read I decided the time had come to keep a list)and the grand total for 2007 is 52 books. This neatly works out at a book a week but is not my best effort, as in 2005 I managed 66. Up on last year's 49, however.
Not that the quantity matters (though I would quite like to crash the 70 books barrier) quality is the thing (I don't want to sound snobbish about this - a really good detective story counts as much as the cleverest literary tale).
Sadly, efforts on the reviewing front often mean I slog through books I would not normally read and when I look back over the past year's titles, I can't help feeling there are few stand-out favourites.
Often my 'book of the year' is immediately obvious, this year I'm not so sure - but contenders are: My Cousin Rachel by Daphne du Maurier (I'm gradually working my way through the du Maurier canon and this is reputedly her best - certainly excellent); The Prestige by Christopher Priest; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (well, it wasa fine and fitting conclusion and pretty engrossing, too); Saturday by Ian McEwan; and one I've just recently finished, Kate Atkinson's One Good Turn, which is probably the book I most wish I'd written.
I wonder what other readers would say?
And I wonder what 2008 will bring? As well as a full review shelf, I netted 15 great books at Christmas so I'd better get started!
Happy new year!