Actress Patsy Palmer pulled no punches when she joined boxers for a fundraising event.

Patsy, who plays Bianca Jackson in EastEnders, learned how to kickbox at ZT Fight Skool in Hove Business Park, where staff held an open day and collected donations for The Argus Appeal.

Sol Gilbert, owner and former European Cage Fighting Champion, even donated Patsy s annual school subscription to the appeal.

Kickboxing fan Patsy, 36, who lives in Brighton with her husband and three children, said: "I think The Argus Appeal is a great charity and it does so much good.

"Kickboxing teaches youngsters discipline and not to be aggressive and I think those who do it are less likely to fight in the streets and playgrounds.

Mr Gilbert said: "It s a great way to stay healthy.

"We are planning boxing classes for people who don't want to box but who can get fit and lose weight from boxing exercises and learning the techniques."