As the lead officer for the Direct Payments Support Service I was most interested to read Ms Paynter’s dismissal of direct payments, published on the International Day of Disabled Persons.

Direct payments allow an individual to plan and purchase their own support, rather than rely on existing provision, by receiving a budget to meet their assessed needs, which may, for example, include support in accessing shops and contributing to the local community.

This places responsibility on to the individual, which is why the Direct Payments Support Service exists. The need for support was highlighted as a key need when direct payments launched in 1996, and it was recognised that this should be provided by an independent agency rather than the local authority.

The service can facilitate CRB checks, provide advice on recruitment and employment and, where necessary, assume responsibility for paying tax and national insurance contributions on behalf of an individual.

The key message of direct payments is that it provides choice, control, empowerment and dignity to disabled people. These are core tenets to any quality of life and it is surely preferable these rest with the individual rather than the Government, locally or nationally.

May I encourage those who wish to learn more about direct payments or have had difficulties with the scheme to contact the support service on 01273 229264 or directpayments@

Henry Rawlings
direct payments officer
Direct Payments Support Service
Brighton and Hove Federation of Disabled People