I agree entirely with the comments of Stuart Wilkie (Argus, 17th March) regarding the council raising parking fees in the council-owned car parks.

Surely these car parks are in fact businesses owned and run by the council and funded by the taxpayer.

As such, they should be kept clean, supervised and in good repair constantly, using the revenue they produce as all traders in the city are expected to do. Not just left to become filthy, run-down and unpleasant to use and then hike up the cost to get them back in line.

If we ran our businesses in this way a lot of us would be closed down.

If the council is sincere in backing businesses, especially during these times, it must get the basics right – clean streets, good signage, low cost/free parking, toilet facilities, before embarking on any other initiatives as only these will keep visitors returning to our city.

Sue Addis
Donatello, Brighton Place, Brighton