Now I didn’t want my first real post to be baby related but I have to start with this activity because although its only midweek I know its definitely going to be the funniest thing I’ll do all week - today we went to Gymboree in Churchill Square. For the uninitiated this is an hour long session that lets toddlers go mad in a large room filled with crash mats, balls, slides and all manner of brightly coloured squashy things.

I had been on the waiting list (yes – the waiting list) to get into a suitable class for Baby’s age group for weeks and so you can imagine my delight when I got the call late last week to confirm that yes we were in! I also expected to be informed that we would still have to be recommended by two existing members, take part in an elaborate initiation ceremony and could run the risk of being blackballed if we didn’t play nice.

Turning up today I was definitely more excited than Baby, but that all changed when I put him down in the middle of the chaotic room, his expression was absolutely magical, it was obviously Baby Wonderland. Such was his ecstasy he actually started clapping spontaneously! Then he sped off on all fours to start rolling balls about and grab the jeans of other tots in order to pull himself up. There was another little one there who had the same name as my boy which irked slightly, but we got over it while chatting under the climbing frame.

After plenty of frantic crawling about (that includes me) and rowing the boat ashore I was absolutely knackered so I knew Baby was definitely getting a good workout and that a long lunchtime nap was going to be on the agenda.

The session was led by an enviably effervescent leader (who expended more energy in one hour to last a full working day) who initiated singing, socialisation and helped out with a go on the slide. And I swear if we continue going (and by gosh we will) Baby will be walking and running about in no time such was the emphasis on free play and development. Plus you get to mess about with bubbles, massive rolling sausages and a real life parachute.

And as an added bonus I spotted a well known local actress who has appeared in two of my most favourite recent TV dramas who smiled at me as she put her boots back on.

My ears were ringing a bit as we left because it is incredibly loud, now I have been to live venues and concerts in my time, and maybe I am just getting on a bit but honestly sometimes it was ear shattering – the singing, the screaming, the clapping, the maracas – it was all a bit too much for me but the little ones seemed to love it. The leader of the group also offers babysitting services which seems like a great idea but I am not sure the neighbours would stand the noise!

I’ve been to other ‘baby gyms’ and found them to be usually held in cold church halls with hard wooden floors, and consisting of nothing more than a singalong on some dirty gym mats before someone shows you how to do forward rolls with your baby and you don’t even get a cuddle from a clown, so Gymboree was a refreshing change. They even lent me some clean socks to wear and took them back after for washing.

Gymboree, Churchill Square, Brighton BN1 2RG
Tel: 01273 772900

Gymboree would like to make it clear the babysitting offered by the group leader is done so completely independently of the group.