Spring is usually the time to start wearing fewer clothes but one man has been piling them on to break a world record.

Shaheen Sadough, who wears nothing more than an apron for work, has taken the title for putting on the most Tshirts in an hour.

It might sound an easy feat but once past the 70 mark, he found it increasingly hard to move or breathe.

Shaheen, 24, of Montefiore Road, Hove, came away Triumphant, putting on a recordbusting 83 T-shirts in 60 minutes for Sky1's Guinness World Records Smashed show.

He said: "I didn't go out and buy hundreds of T-shirts and practise.

"I just assumed I would turn up and do it but it was actually really hard. The shirts come in sizes from medium to extra-extra-extra large and you have to get them on in the right order.

"I'm normal build but these mediums were quite tight and by the 70th T-shirt or so you start to feel pretty claustrophobic and it really does get tight around the neck.

"I couldn't move any more so my girlfriend had to take over as my assistant and start putting them on.

"By the end I felt like I couldn't take any more and actually had to be cut out of the T-shirts.

"There were marks left round my arms, they were so tight. The record before me was 150 T-shirts over six hours but the trial this time was the hour time limit.

"One of the production team gave it a go before me and got to about 70."

Shaheen is a waiter for Butlers In The Buff caterers in his spare time wearing only an apron.

He said: "At work we get offers for things like this. I saw it and replied immediately saying I was up for it."

Shaheen's efforts can be seen on Sky1's Guinness World Records Smashed on Sunday at 6pm.