IN response to the article by Adam Campbell (The Argus, May 1) on regulations covering A-boards outside shops I would say: “Hey, hold up Mr Campbell, that’s one inconsiderate rant.” He obviously has no consideration for the blind, disabled, wheelchair users or mothers with prams. Will I be visiting his store? I think not. I don’t think he looks or sounds like the friendly store keeper. Pavements were invented for pedestrians to ensure their wellbeing and safety. A-boards etc cause an obstruction and are a hazard. I don’t believe that in most cases they are essential to the continuing viability of most shops. I can see in certain circumstances they may be justified, where for instance a shop is hidden off the main thoroughfare. I’ve had a good look at his shop and I really don’t think he needs such an expansive display. Half of what he displays would be sufficient for anyone to see what he is selling. He should be grateful. If he had a shop in Westminster he would not be allowed to display anything on the pavement because Westminster City Council considers them an obstruction and believes pavements are for pedestrians. Richard Gamper, Brunswick Street East, Hove