I’m afraid I’ve neglected this blog of late.

For that I apologise but I will try to bring you up to speed with boot camp life since last week.

It was all going rather well and I had been getting up to get to camp on time.

But a four-day break, a bank holiday weekend and exercise did not mix well for me.

Tuesday morning came and I slept right through my alarm. I’m terrible at getting up at the best of times but I woke with a start at 7.30am and realised I’d missed the 6.10am slot by a mile.

This was quickly followed by feelings of guilt and frantically trying to find Rachael’s number so I could phone to apologise.

So, while I’m on a roll with confessing my sins I also have a few more things I should admit.

Namely, a jam doughnut (first week), a cheese and onion pastry (second week), a scotch egg (also second week) and the odd pint of best bitter.

I also tucked away a bit of potato salad at a wedding reception on Sunday. I know it’s not good but in the grand scheme of things I haven’t broken the diet that much and I REALLY appreciated every mouthful of those mayonnaise smothered chunks of potato more than you could possibly imagine.

Anyway, back to the exercise.

After yesterday’s debacle I was so paranoid about not waking up on time this morning that I barely slept and saw the clock almost every half an hour.

My alarm went off at 5.30am and I had to drag myself out of bed.

But I got there and it was actually quite a pleasant morning, weather-wise.

After space hopping across Hove Lawns last week, we did supersets this morning – exercising the same muscle groups in slightly different ways.

My fitness has definitely improved. I run a lot more easily and I don’t have to stop so often. I can also sustain some of the exercises for longer than I could.

Last week I held the plank for a minute, it may not sound like much but two weeks ago that is something I could not do.

There has also been a change in my body. I bumped into someone in town yesterday who I hadn’t seen for about five weeks and they said I looked slimmer. My clothes are also baggier.

I think I’ve lost about five or six pounds, so it’s all going in the right direction.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?