Here's a couple of Brighton blogs which have caught my eye today, one which made me chuckle, and one which made me think (not quite as unusual as my critics might think).

First up, the acerbic Dan Wilson on the report written by 15-year-old Matthew Robson, which said nobody his age was interested in Twitter. Dan's response? A rundown of his media habits, which he says he's posted because: "I’m hoping to be as helpful with my own memo along similar lines.". Highlights include the internet: "31 years olds are adept at using the internet. Many people look at pornography," and television: "Interactive TV means things like calling Noel Edmonds on Swapshop, writing to Jim’ll Fix it and shouting at the panel on Question Time."

Then I read this post by Tamsin B which gives another view on the news coverage of swine flu, which has been inescapable over the past week. She speaks from a personal perspective, as her daughter had a scare, and found herself glued to the news coverage, and: "This meant that at least a couple of times on Thursday she got to hear that 65,000 people in the UK are going to die in this pandemic."

Tamsin argues that news editors should be more sensitive to "the the fact that their audience might be utterly terrified by the way the spread of the illness is being covered." It's something which we obviously consider here at The Argus, and hope we are making our coverage as balanced and informative as possible, while also trying to meet the huge demand for information on what is obviously a serious threat to people's health. But it's always fascinating to hear perspectives from the other side.