Trying to find out the telephone number for the new pandemic flu line the government said it was opening today took me more time than dealing with the half dozen telephone consultations from suffering patients.

Yes, flu is hitting Brighton and Hove, but most of the people I have spoken to on the phone seem to have had relatively mild disease and not required treatment other than fluids, paracetamol and a week away from the in-laws.

I only hope that the Government doesn’t waste the entire reserve of antivirals on people with very mild illness. The most common question I seem to be being asked at the moment is: “Can I take some tamiflu with me in case I am ill on holiday?” The simple answer is that this is not possible (certainly not at NHS cost).

It may be possible to obtain a private prescription and supply of Tamiflu or Relenza if you search the internet- but the last time I looked you would be charged a fortune for 10 capsules!

Most countries do have a supply of antivirals to treat people with influenza – certainly within Europe, USA and Asia – so it's best to make sure that your travel insurance gives you adequate medical care cover.