So not much really to speak about this week.

I've bought my buggie (the luna) and am ecstatic with it although there was a slight tear in the shade so am having to call up Boots to see what they can do.

Have started ebaying for good used baby clothes and got some lovely bargains. Helen has offered to help me out with some baby clothes as has another with toys that will be coming to us next week. It's great how everyone is chipping in and helping us out.

Again this week I have been irritated by people.

At the Pride parade I see another pregnant women chain smoking which really upset me as well as a women with a child no older than 2 years old put on her shoulders then use both her hands to grab a bottle of Mickey Finn's and drink while trying to keep the child stable on her shoulders.

It really upsets me to see people do things with children/to their children that I have avoided so that my baby is healthy or things that are just irresponsible.

Saying that it was funny to see a little girl lick the window of the bus this week (she did get a bit of a loud telling off from her mother) and be rewarded by a total stranger with a tree made from a bus ticket.