I caught myself waddling this week. It probably looked horrendous. My bump looks quite huge in a maxi dress and apparently I look like I’m due in October – that’s 2 months before my due date.

You would think that I would entirely love how my body is changing yet I still feel at that in-between stage where some days I look pregnant and others I just look fat. Having not long moved away from my normal clothes to the pregnant stretchy trousers and side expanding tops I am still finding it difficult to get pregnancy fashion quite right.

I am sure all mums to be have that moment where it feels the worst thing in the world to have to re jig your wardrobe when not entirely sure how to accommodate the ever changing and growing boobs and bump. Pretty bras change for more substantial and you wonder where sexiness went.

The bigger the bump grows the harder it gets to walk very far and I am surprised I haven’t fallen over in the street yet. My balance is all askew. I get looks from others when I need to sit in the priority seat on the bus as walking too far gives the bump a stitch, mainly because I think I can walk as fast as I used to. It gets kind of frustrating at things you could easier do pre bump becoming gradually more difficult. Stairs are steeper, the walk to my home feels horrendous and I joke to Gav that soon he’ll have to take me round in a wheelbarrow.

I’m sure my humpty dumpty feeling will only be exaggerated in the 16 weeks I have til Carrot is supposed to make an appearance!