After posting about feeling blue this week I have tried to relax and chill out.

It has got me further thinking about the depletion of maternity resources and support given to mums. Cut backs have been made to services in the NHS and we have all probably read about instances in Sussex of struggling maternity services and bad hospital experiences due to lack of staff. After feeling very low this week I have relied on writing my blog or going onto a baby website to talk to other mums feeling the same way and I wonder why something like this could not be offered at the outset to fully prepare us for motherhood, the emotions the changes. Many like me will be relying on books and forums for daily, weekly and in some areas monthly interaction.

I do realise that nothing can fully prepare but it would be great to feel there was a service where you could go without feeling like you're being put into a pre or post natal depression corner. Or even more frequent longer meets with a community midwife in a group and opportunities to have pre natal appointments at home.

I find it odd that cuts in maternity services have been followed with more cash being given to pregnant women before and on the birth of their baby. How is it justified that giving us money is more important than better more individual maternity care for all. A Health in Pregnancy Grant of £190 is given to all pregnant women from 25 weeks onwards to encourage mothers to healthy eat within pregnancy. I think that just by giving a mum to be some cash it does not mean she will generally change the eating habits she has had for life. Pregnant mothers that recieve state benefits also can claim for daily milk tokens and an extra £500 Sure Start Grant as well as the £250 that is to go in the newborns bank account.

I'm also not arguing that mums to be and mothers on no or low income should not get help towards the costs where it is deserving.

However it has got me thinking though that some of this money could be put towards looking further into what women want for their maternity care and implementing it. Surely this would benefit all mums to be and mothers.

I think maybe sometimes financial help from the government is not the right solution.