I was lucky enough to be given a free ticket to White Air, an extreme sport and music festival held on Madiera Drive, last week. This followed a week of hubby leaving me with various CDs to play so the baby can hear our taste in music.

Our baby has already heard Ultravox, Manic Street Preachers and daddy's band Redmaxx through me, and this week daddy left an education in music for both of us. The first day included a local Welwyn Garden Band The Bush The Tree and Me, who I will be lucky enough see play at Dingwalls this coming Wednesday. Then onto the Pixies' Doolittle - again who we'll be seeing in October, The Lemonheads, 25 years of Rough Trade as well as the Amelie soundtrack.

I think daddy, aka Gav, was hoping for plenty of kicks to his favourite music but most of them seemed to make baby still.

At White Air, we managed to see the Lemonheads, Doll and the Kicks, Doves, Sky Larkin. I have to say my favourite band of the weekend was the Cribs. They were absolutely fantastic . . . just a shame I couldn't jump around very much!

I am hoping that baby gets to hear and music and love it as much as we do. Gav has spent much of his life playing the guitar and we both love going to gigs whether a famous band or local talent.

So what did/would you play to your unborn child?