Up in Deeside this week for our timeshare holiday. Queen (no ... HRH not the pop group) is ending her summer holidays here as well.

We went to wave to her when she went to Craithie Church on Sunday, but no Prince Philip, so assume he must be incapacitated with the old swine flu that's up here as well ( HRH did not actually confirm this, but what other reason could there be?). More soldiers escorting her than last year, so have to assume they were there to keep make sure no-one sneezed in her vicinity.

The local news said 300 pupils were absent from a secondary school and two in hospital with the flu... all after a school coach trip to Belgium. The only thing I got on school trips were ticks and blisters - not what it used to be is all I can say.

Emails from work suggest that we have finally been given information about the availability of swine flu vaccine. All GP practices will receive their first 500 doses in the three weeks from October 19th. This will be aimed initially at those people under 65 years of age who fall into the risk groups (diabetes, heart, lung disease etc). So hopefully, unless a postal strike intervenes, everyone should be hearing from their doctor from then onwards. Although eventually we will have the choice of two vaccines, the initial supplies will be suitable for everyone other than those with a severe reaction (anaphylaxis) to hen's eggs. The first vaccine is made of inactivated bits of viruses - so WILL NOT give anyone flu! This is a common fallacy that I hear every year from patients... "I got flu last time I had a flu vaccine". Flu vaccines stimulate immunity and DO NOT induce the disease or even a "modified" form of the disease. The vaccine works by stimulating an immune memory... a bit like being shown the preview of a film and then some time later being shown the actual film ... "Oh I remember seeing bits of this one".

Oh well, back to Brighton at the weekend - only another 98 distillieries to visit in the next few years.