WHILE most councils are closing public toilets one town is making sure its citizens are not short of a convenient place to spend a penny.

Crowborough now has five community toilets in addition to its usual public loos.

They have opened in shops, pubs and offices as part of the Wealden Community Toilet Scheme.

All display the innovative project's logo and are available during the premises' normal opening hours.

Latest additions to the scheme are Waitrose in Croft Road, Crowborough Town Council's offices in The Broadway, the Crowborough Cross pub, Beacon Road, and Wealden District Council's offices in Pine Grove.

Wealden councillor Sylvia Tidy said: “The idea is that the public can just pop into a shop, pub or office displaying the sign and ask to use the toilet.

“There will be no charge and the customer has no obligation to buy anything.

“Because the premises are always staffed the toilets are clean and safe to use.”

The new additions to the scheme will help make up for the loss of public toilets at Croft Road car park which are closed for repair.

Scheme members receive a small payment for making their loos available to the public.

They are inspected by the council before being accepted onto the scheme.

Businesses interested in taking part should phone Martin Ashdown on 01323 443619.