Just a very brief bulletin today. I've just done the second 30-minute session of this week's prgramme. After almost 4 weeks off, that's two days running and it feels great. I mean, it feels great now. The run today was purest torture. Nothing flowed, I felt fat and schlumpy and totally uncoordinated throughout.

I still covered more distance than yesterday, somehow - 3.16 miles, to be exact.

I'm deliberately avoiding watching the news/weather for now, to keep a happy picture in my head of tomorrow's long run. I see myself gliding, nay floating along the seafront to gasps of admiration. Funny, the things your own mind can do to you, innit? I'd like to do a 14-miler, but we'll have to wait and see. The last 2 sessions don't leave me all that confident, despite the mind's eye images I'm trying to bring to life.

Housework done, too, so it's time to relax for the rest of the day. More (I hope) tomorrow.