An amateur scientist thinks he has come up with a solution to the world's climate problems.

Gregory Kaye, of South Way, Lewes, said the theory had only come to him in the last couple of weeks after a year of pondering ways of cutting carbon.

He says he has come up with a logical and common sense theory, which he has called decycling, but with no formal qualifications he is struggling to get scientists to take him seriously.

Mr Kaye thinks that if the rubbish could be correctly buried it would turn into coal and oil. The dangerous greenhouse gas methane which is produced as a side product could also be burned for energy.

He is convinced decycling is “simple and logical” but said experts were put off because he is an amateur.

Mr Kaye is hoping scientists and experts on carbon emissions will take look at his theory and help refine it in the hope that experiments can be started to test it.

To read the full theory visit