When I first found out I was pregnant I knew things would change dramatically for us. As I lay in the bath tonight with Izzy asleep and Gav playing the PS3 I had a think about how much things have changed now. (Yes she is fast asleep and we have some much needed time to relax....well until she wakes up) When I was pregnant I wish I had relaxed more.

I was told off by Gav and my sister on more than several occasions. I should have slowed down and gotten used to not keeping the house clean all the time, not being used to cooking dinner for a certain time and also not spent so much money on items of clothing for Izzy (although many I got were second hand from ebay or given to us by friends and family).

I should have stressed less and relaxed more.

Obviously this is easy to say now but it may help one pregnant woman now to slow the pace.

I wish I had told the truth.

When people ask how you are be honest! Don't say you're ok when sometimes you are emotionally drowning inside.

It is hard work growing a baby and it's alright to sometimes feel scared of this happening to you whether you have planned it or not!

I remember crying to Gav on a sunday night because I'd left it til 8 months pregnant to say I needed more help doing things. I'd struggle with housework while Gav was out the house (mainly so he wouldn't tell me off), and I missed the little things like having shaved legs, being able to cut and paint my toenails. As much as it pains you to admit you can't look after vanity you can't. Get over it now and your partner will probably pamper you no end.

I wish that I had fully prepared myself for every aspect of childbirth. Although I had planned a home birth it took the hospital to tell me it wouldn't be possible and even though I knew this may happen I think I was in denial that I wouldn't have anything other than a perfect birth.

I had a emergency c section and although that was the way Izzy needed to be born some element of me is still disappointed because I'll now witter on about what happened to me and still find it traumatic.

Expect the unexpected. As I was overdue I had a sweep at the midwifes at 41 weeks pregnant. I was told it didn't work as my cervix was too far back. I was booked in for induction the following Monday. After the first pessary I was told that I wasn't dilated and the induction wouldn't work due to the same reason for my failed sweep. 45 minutes later I was fully dilated. I was in extreme pain. You think you know childbirth would be painful but oh my I wish I had known. Not to put you off as everyone is different and things came on very fast for me.

Which brings me to.... be open about pain relief. I didn't like the idea of an epidural but by the time I was in labour it was too late for anything else. I couldn't lay down in any position, squat or stand up without squirming...so much so the Dr didn't think I would be still enough for the epidural. I know now that it's ok to admit you cannot cope with the pain and accept all that is needed to make you comfortable and less stress. Remember your stressing can affect the baby.

Anyway thats probably enough wittering on about it now but the moral really is relax, be open to your feelings and with your ideas. Nothing is predictable when it comes to a child and this is only the start.