When she dropped out of a career in the City to make T-shirts in the Australian sunshine, Kate Greenwood thought she had left the world of big business behind.

But her designs have become so popular, she now finds herself the reluctant head of a global clothing label.

Her Flamin' Galah T-shirts, which gently poke fun at Australian culture, have attracted a cult following and are selling in their thousands.

Kate, 28, emigrated from Sussex two years ago after falling in love with Australian culture.

The fan of soaps Neighbours and Home and Away loved the prolific use of the expression "Flamin' Galah" by Home and Away's Alf Stewart, referring to a type of bird.

She said: "We had no idea what it meant but thought it sounded great."

Her shirts all have their own message, however. Her personal favourite is "No flies on me, mate", with its map of Oz made up of flies.

Kate grew up in Wisborough Green, near Horsham, and went to school and sixth-form college in the town.

She graduated from Manchester University with a BA in European Studies in 1998.

After a gap year she moved to London with boyfriend Chris and became a headhunter enticing Europe's top students to work for Goldman Sachs.

She said: "Chris and I craved a better lifestyle and wanted to travel."

Kate took voluntary redundancy and the couple settled in Melbourne two years ago, starting the T-shirt business from scratch.

Just seven months after putting her line on the racks, she has sold 4,500 items through airport shops and upmarket souvenir outlets.