It was such a nice surprise to read your feature on the wonderful island of Alderney (The Argus, August 21).

It seemed from the article that your journalist enjoyed the island very much but wasn't too impressed with the flights.

We fly to and from Alderney several times each year and find the experience a total joy. We are totally sick and tired of the hubbub of Gatwick or Heathrow airport.

Two-hour check-ins, security inspections, queues for just about everything - it's no pleasure at all.

Compare that with flying Aurigny Airlines to Alderney from Southampton or Rockhopper from Shoreham.

Minimum check in times, minimum fuss and a very friendly welcome is the order of the day. No queues, no bother.

On a flight from Alderney a year or so ago, we were taxiing out to the runway when the captain announced we were returning to the terminal.

Trouble? No, it was simply that one of the passengers had left a briefcase in the terminal and leaned forward to tell the captain.

She was only too pleased to pop back to pick it up. Imagine that on a 747.

Alderney is another world - peaceful, no crime, no roundabouts, no traffic lights, beautiful unspoilt beaches and fantastic countryside.

We love it but we love the flights to and from Alderney just as much.

-Franoise and Derek Halling, Brighton