Averil Older's cynical congratulatory message to Keith Taylor on his appointment as principal speaker of the Green Party reveals a certain meanness of spirit.

Councillor Taylor took over from Mike Woodin, of Oxford, who died tragically and prematurely at the age of 38.

Councillor Older condemned the Green Party of Brighton and Hove for support of the King Alfred development but this was driven by the wish to see more low-cost affordable housing so the people of Hove to go on living in an area where they want to be.

But I have a surprise for Councillor Older. As selected Green Party candidate for Hove at the next general election, I do not support the King Alfred Centre development.

I was chosen as the Green Party's parliamentary candidate for Hove irrespective of my conflicting views.

Such respect for democracy has to serve as an example to political parties that have failed to do anything other than sing from the same song sheet for years. The Green Party may be small, but it is big enough to embrace representatives whose views do not always concur with the party line.

-Anthea Ballam, Green Party candidate for Hove