A man squared up to an oncoming car like a matador and was hurled 25 metres through the air as it struck him, a court heard.

Daniel Sommerford, 24, from Hove, who was mowed down by a Renault Clio after allegedly stepping in to break up a couple's violent argument, could be disabled for life.

He had been out with his two brothers, Nathan, 28, and Liam, 18, when they witnessed the late-night row.

Nathan Sommerford broke down in tears as he described the bone-breaking collision to a jury at Chichester Crown Court yesterday.

He said: "Daniel took his coat off and stood in the road, gesturing as if to say 'come on then'.

"His legs were wide apart like he was waiting to catch a cricket ball.

"I told him to get out of the road. He didn't and the car drove into him.

"It hit him and Daniel put his hands out. He flapped on to the bonnet and then shot up into the air."

Daniel Twumasi, 31, formerly of Meadway Court, Worthing, who was at the wheel, denies a charge of attempted murder.

The court heard the three brothers had spent the evening at Occasions nightclub in Marine Parade, Worthing.

Within minutes of leaving the club at 2am, the court heard they saw Twumasi arguing violently with his girlfriend.

Christine Laine, prosecuting, said Twumasi slapped his girlfriend across the top of her head as they sat together on a bench in Marine Parade.

She said the brothers decided to intervene and Twumasi threatened to shoot Nathan Sommerford in the face before he and his girlfriend jumped into the car.

Mrs Laine said: "Twumasi drove 200 metres and did a U-turn. He then came back at the Sommerford brothers, accelerating towards them.

"Nathan recalls seeing his brother Daniel taking his coat off. He was standing in the road like a matador or a sumo wrestler, effectively squaring up to the car. He hit the right-hand side of the car, causing him to ride up on to the bonnet and windscreen, over the roof and land 25 metres away, outside Marks & Spencer."

Mrs Laine said Occasions doorman Jody Howell tried to grab Twumasi's car keys from the ignition but the driver reversed away, throwing him to the ground.

Walter Aylen, QC, defending Twumasi, said the three brothers had launched a tirade of racist abuse at Twumasi and kicked the side of the Renault before he first drove away.

He said his client had turned the car round to report the attack but Daniel Sommerford jumped into his path as he drove by.

The trial continues.