BBC Southern Counties Radio programme about children with attention deficit disorder (ADD) highlighted the serious problem such children and their families have with schooling.

Children can be labelled as disruptive and non-achievers by heads, teachers, fellow pupils and others due to a lack of understanding and training. This can lead to reduced self-esteem for the child which further damages his or her life. Repeated notices from schools become a great distress to the parents, on top of the problems of dealing with a hyperactive child at home.

Over the years, I have seen children who have exhibited lack of attention in class, thrown things around during lessons and been generally disruptive. Sympathising with the family, addressing the problem with understanding and talking to the child as an adult, with respect and love, can have amazing results.

I have often written to individual schools and the local education authority requesting expert help from educational psychologists. Early assessment is very important to identify problems before the child is labelled as disruptive. In some cases, placement in a special-needs school for children with ADD has achieved great results, bringing relief for parents and happiness for the child. Such children are usually very intelligent, often get bored and may suffer from dyslexia and/or dyspraxia.

I was interested to hear there may be anatomical reasons for the condition, particularly where there are abnormal nerve connections within the cerebellum, the part of the brain which controls balance and co-ordination. Balancing exercises seem to help restore attention and calm the brain.

One lady related how her child had shown dramatic response to spiritual healing.

Complementary medicines have a pleasant, reassuring and calming effect and may work through a mechanism yet unknown to modern science.

Regular hugging, lots of love and activities such as games and sports are highly appreciated by children with ADD and help calm them. I have also found that hyperactive children love having a head massage. A general body massage using aromatherapy oils such as lavender, basil, sweet orange, hops and eucalyptus can also help and massaging with Ayurvedic mahanarayan oil will help relieve tension in the muscles and joints.

In one clinical trial with formulations of the neurotropic herb centella asiatica in India, significant improvement in general ability, behaviour and mental concentration was observed in 30 children with learning difficulties and disruptive behaviour.

Exercise regimes such as yoga, tai chi and chi gong have been used for centuries to help children and adults cure problems of hyperactivity, attention disorder and balance. Pranayam - alternate nasal breathing in yoga - helps co-ordination, calms the brain and improves attention.