He may have a broken nose and smashed-up teeth but Norman Cook is still keeping the party going in Portugal.

Fatboy Slim is entertaining thousands of Euro 2004 fans in Lisbon at a series of club nights during the football tournament.

He has difficulty talking and cannot chew or eat any solids after a fall at the villa where he, wife Zoe Ball and son Woody are staying along with a group of 25 friends.

He broke his nose and bruised his chin and had to get emergency orthodontic treatment the next day.

However, Norman still took to the decks to entertain fans at a packed gig at the Lux Club in the Lisbon Dock area, where the yachts of Sussex multi-millionaire and Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich are moored.

He said: "I am in agony. I have difficulty swallowing and can't eat anything solid and my chin is incredibly sore.

"When I wake up I find my lips stuck together because of the swelling but I am enjoying myself here with Zoe and Woody and flying the flag for England and, of course, the Albion."

Norman, who still does not know exactly what happened, said: "I woke up in the night and went to get a glass of water, slipped and the next thing I knew I was face down in a pool of blood.

"Zoe switched on the light and helped me up. Others in the villa helped clean me up and then we had to get medical treatment in the morning. I cannot really explain it. I may have even been sleep-walking."

Norman was cheered when he arrived at the Lux Club and patted on the back by fans as he walked across the dance floor.

He was playing at the biggest party of the year in Lisbon, hours after the Portuguese had beaten Spain to reach the quarter finals.

There was an incredible atmosphere in the city.

Portuguese flags flew from convoys of cars while fans stood up in open-top cars waving to the crowds that had packed pavement bars.

Norman entered into the spirit of the Portuguese celebration. To a great cheer, he arrived on stage wearing a Portuguese football shirt.

A group of Brighton fans passed an Albion shirt over the heads of the dancing crowd and Norman alternated the shirts to each dance tune.

Brighton comedian Mark Braithwaite, of the Treason Show, was among a group of Albion fans at the gig.

He said: "Norman's a hit wherever he goes. You would never know he had messed up his mouth."

Norman is flying to England for Glastonbury this weekend but will be back in Portugal for the end of the tournament.