Floral tributes and football flags have been placed at the site of an accident in which a 15-year-old boy died.

Talented young footballer Jason Hylands was riding his bicycle along Terminus Road, near Eastbourne station, when it collided with a recovery truck.

Sussex Police said he went into the path of a flat-bed truck as it was travelling in Gildredge Road towards Ashford Road at 9.44pm on Saturday.

Year 10 pupil Jason was taken to the Eastbourne District General Hospital but died on Sunday morning from head injuries.

He attended 1,400-pupil Ratton Secondary School in Park Avenue, Eastbourne, where pupils have been left devastated by his death.

Dozens of friends stood in tears hugging each other at the scene yesterday where the flowers, flags and poems have been attached to railings outside the Gildredge pub.

One read: "We will miss you forever." Another said: "We cannot believe you have gone." Many youngsters wore T-shirts with Hylands scrawled on them and messages of sorrow.

A minute's silence was held during school assembly and a special assembly is planned for Jason's year group.

In a statement, Ratton School said: "We are shocked and saddened by Jason's death and the thoughts and prayers of the school go out to Jason's family.

"Jason will be remembered at Ratton as a popular student with a wide circle of friends. Jason had played football for the school for a number of years.

"With the team, he was respected for his skills and passionate commitment. Jason will also be remembered for his keen sense of justice.

"He was always prepared to stand up for his beliefs and in support of others, again with skill and passion."

Jason, a Manchester United supporter with a younger sister, was a popular player for Old Town Boys Football Club in Eastbourne.

Among those grieving his death at the scene yesterday were children from Cavendish and Eastbourne Technology College, whose pupils also play for the club.

The 32-year-old lorry driver, from Eastbourne, was uninjured.

Police are appealing for witnesses to contact the Polegate Road Policing Department on 0845 6070999.