Police have voiced their fears at plans to open a seafront cafe until 4am at weekends.

Frank-In-Steine Express, next to the Palace Pier in Brighton, wants the late opening on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

The application will be considered by Brighton and Hove licensing committee on Thursday.

Police have suggested closing at 1.30am for a trial period of four months and reviewing the position after that.

A report said: "It is well documented late-night takeaways and refreshment houses are focal points for crime and disorder."

Police are also concerned about an application to change a public entertainments licence so the Ocean Rooms in Morley Street, Brighton, can stay open until 4am six days a week instead of 2am.

They say there is no CCTV in the area.

Queen's Park councillor Delia Forester said: "The location, away from other venues, does not seem to lend itself to effective policing.

"The residents of the blocks behind would surely suffer more disturbance."

Councillor Simon Burgess said: "There are many residents living close by, on the Albion estate in particular, who suffer enough disturbance already."

Meanwhile, popular cafe Smiley's Too, in Portland Road, Hove, is open again four months after it was severely damaged in an arson attack in February.