Daisy Burgess' letter on what Father Andrew is planning for St George's Church has certainly caused a stir.

However, in all the flurry of letters, one simple point seems to have been missed. Ultimately, the life of the church is not about buildings.

It is about redemption, loving your neighbour, forgiving your enemies, giving succour to the needy and treating everybody as your brother.

All easily said, all hard to achieve.

It seems to me that what Fr Andrew has done at St George's is a practical response to these challenging God-given imperatives.

The God of the Old Testament did not speak to his people from fine palaces or sumptuous temples. He spoke from burning bushes, pillars of fire, mountain tops and the banks of rivers and seas.

The only architectural instruction I can recall him giving was some guidance to Noah on how to build an ark.

Jesus followed his father's approach and preached in the open air. His greatest sermon was given on the Mount of Olives.

His main foray into a temple was to overturn the tables of the money lenders.

If, when I die, I am lucky enough to go to heaven and meet my God, I hope he will give me the definitive answer to many things, including the current controversy.

If he does, I will write to you. Please be patient.

-Dr Alan Bond, Brighton