One thing seems clear from the somewhat excitable response in your letters pages (June 8) - the vicar of St George's and his supporters are rattled.

It isn't necessary to be an expert in Regency/Georgian architecture to appreciate that adding anything to the outside of St George's, however architecturally "sympathetic" (sympathetic, Councillor Morgan?), would destroy the essence of this classic building.

Furthermore, what is here proposed - a post office - is so monstrously inappropriate it takes a special brand of philistinism or egoism even to contemplate it.

Kemp Town needs a post office and there are sufficient suitable properties available for the purpose without men of the cloth and their acolytes jumping up and down exclaiming about the merits of their church as an appropriate venue.

Since it is within the competence of English Heritage and the Georgian Group, to name but two interested organisations, to prevent the vandalism implicit in the post office proposal, I think the reverend gentleman has good reason to be rattled.

To spell it out. Nothing can justify the destruction of the beauty of a classic Regency/Georgian building - not all the mothers and toddlers, not all the older lesbian and gay people sitting at their tasty snacks, not all the AA nor U3A groups and most definitely not a post office.

The really clever thing would have been a plan which created the thriving community centre everyone wants and left the architecture of the church untouched.

As it is, a post office tacked on to the outside of probably the most beautiful classical building in Brighton?

The Holy Spirit must be greatly vexed...

-Rashid Karapiet, Brighton