A million British workers will phone in sick the day after the Euro 2004 soccer final if England are involved in the last game of the tournament.

Firms would be landed with an estimated £81 million bill in extra costs.

Occupational health firm Health & Case Management said 4.7 million working days could be lost over the next few weeks if England reach the July 4 final.

The Brighton and Hove branch of the Federation of Small Business (FSB) has warned employers face a major headache.

FSB policy chairman John Walker said: "Bosses can score points with their staff by making plans now and talking about any potential problem."

There was no point bosses not allowing their staff time off on principal alone. He said: "Not only will this serve to disenchant the employee, it may also result in him or her taking the time off anyway and either phoning in sick or being on unauthorised absence."

Monday June 07, 2004