The claws are out for Big Brother contestant Kitten who is continuing to defy the rules of the Channel 4 game with a series of shock tactics.

Yesterday the Brighton show-off, as she calls herself, climbed on to the roof at the Big Brother house to take a peek at the outside world.

But instead of making a bid for freedom, as some of her housemates might have been hoping, she climbed back down when she was ordered to.

The self-styled political activist continued with her defiant and confrontational behaviour by announcing, "Big Sister says Kitten will get back to Big Brother in due course," when she was called into the diary room.

Big Brother asked Kitten why she had to climb walls, to which Kitten replied Big Sister had given her permission.

"Who is Big Sister?" asked Big Brother and Kitten, real name Katherine, replied: "The 13th member of the house. Big Brother is patriarchal and sexist."

Kitten's Big Brother profile describes her as a human and animal rights activist, a strict vegetarian angered by sexism, pornography, homophobia, racism and George Bush.

Her profile on the Friends Reunited web site says: "I am living in Brighton and having a fantastic time. I'm hoping to move to Perth with my Australian girlfriend in September."

Her extensive self-penned profile lists her favourite bands and her favourite words, which include the name Moulsecoomb.

Despite being 24, Kitten's teenage angst is already starting to grate on housemates, particularly Victor, who is a year younger than her.

He has expressed fears for Kitten's mental stability and his desire for her to be kicked out and has promised to show Kitten could be more of a pussycat than top cat. Kitten has admitted she is not popular and said: "People find me prickly ... like a hedgehog. I think I come across as cold."

The psychology student has also made revelations about her past. She told housemates she worked as a prostitute in east London from the age of 16.

But her roots are in a genteel part of east Yorkshire.

She went to school in Beverley, where her father Kenneth worked as a planning officer and her mother as an office administrator.

In Brighton Kitten works for a teenage help organisation called Connexions and lives with her girlfriend Lianda, whom she proposed to while on her way into the Big Brother house on Friday.

Emma and Shell are joint favourites to win at 5/1 with Kitten at 40/1.