Jean Calder (The Argus, March 13) is right to highlight the huge anomaly between people's attitudes to drug dependency and abuse and widespread tolerance of alcohol abuse.

It is high time we had a drug and alcohol strategy for the city that recognises that alcohol, which fuels domestic violence, is just as potent in its ability to destroy lives and break up families.

Many children are identified as at risk or have to come into the care of the council because drink leads to parental neglect or abuse.

A lot of street nuisance is because of teenage drinking.

For all these reasons, we need to recognise the damage alcohol can wreak and pull together our best ideas to combat binge drinking and alcohol dependency.

The industry should take more responsibility and we need an enlightened use of the new licensing laws to make sure we have a city for all ages to enjoy in safety.

-Councillor Sue John, deputy leader, Brighton and Hove City Council