Five thousand wheelie bins are being delivered to homes in Rottingdean, Saltdean and Woodingdean.

Brighton and Hove City Council has introduced the bins as part of its drive to make the refuse collection service more efficient.

It had been hoped the delivery would take place last month but there were problems at the factory which makes the bins.

The bins have a capacity of 140 litres and Cityclean, the council's refuse and street-cleaning company, says they will be emptied weekly.

Rottingdean, Saltdean and south Woodingdean are part of a multi-material kerbside recycling scheme under which residents can leave out newspaper, glass, plastic, textiles, cardboard and batteries.

They are encouraged to use the wheelie bins for waste which cannot be recycled.

Gill Mitchell, chairwoman of the council's environment committee, which is pushing through the wheelie and communal bins reforms, said: "The trials are taking place in direct response to requests from residents.

"As we are encouraging residents to recycle more, the wheelie bins will protect refuse sacks from seagulls and other pests, help keep the streets cleaner and make the environment generally a better place to be."