Welcome to Bin City. I didn't think Brighton and Hove City Council could impose anything worse upon us beleaguered citizens when they introduced us to NCP's Parking regime.

Even if it's not worse, it's equally as bad, applied with the same arrogance and dictatorial attitude we've come to expect.

In the same way, given the chance, they'll zone every last square inch of the city. Parking is a great money-earner so they will bin the entire length and breadth of the city with street skip bins, wheelie bins, bins of every shape and size.

The council has gone bin mad and once again it doesn't give a damn what the citizens really think - we are going to have them whether we like it or not.

They say it's a trial period for a year. The previous scheme in my road was also a trial for a year but it took more than three years to get rid of them and the people responsible reluctantly agreed when I said it was an unmitigated disaster.

Councillors Gill Mitchell, Tim Moore and Gillian Marston are responsible for imposing this scheme upon us.

They will probably sink or swim by this and it may well be the straw that breaks the council's back.

-Reg Woodhouse, People's Parking Protest, Albert Road, Brighton