Your article reporting the views of Emma Nuttall was an excellent piece of propaganda on behalf of travellers but does not reflect the views of the vast majority of council tax-payers (The Argus, January 23).

It seems the "race card" is often played in supporting the case of a minority, regardless of whether it is true or not - and in this case it clearly is not.

The reaction of taxpayers to travellers is based on the problems this group causes the community. Most citizens see the illegal camps around the city and are appalled at the mess they leave behind.

I have seen the council clearing up a site after a visit by travellers at the top of Wilson Avenue. If any other group deposited the amount of rubbish they left on public land, the council would seek to prosecute them, not clear up for them.

Brighton and Hove already has a permanent site for travellers.

Is Ms Nuttall suggesting tax-payers should have an even larger proportion of their ever-increasing council tax allocated to accommodate any number of travellers who decide to drop in to the city?

-Alan Hood, Brighton