The common cold is a minor viral infection of the nose and throat.

Flu is a more severe respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus entering the body through mucous membranes in the mouth, nose or eyes.

As the virus is airborne, flu is highly contagious and can be inhaled by anyone.

The onset of flu is sudden and violent and symptoms include aches, fever, chills, cough, headache, fatigue, stuffy nose and sore throat.

It can be a serious illness and its complications have caused deaths. Elderly people, young children and people with chronic illnesses are very vulnerable and more likely to develop complications such as pneumonia.

Conventional medicine offers no real help. Over-the-counter drugs only mask the symptoms for a few hours while the virus runs its course and the flu vaccination is debatable.

Injecting viruses directly into the blood stream bypasses the first line of defence at the gastro-intestinal level and a stronger antibody reaction is called for repeatedly.

This, in my opinion, predisposes the person to a life of fragile immunity.

A further assault to the body comes in the form of unknown neurotoxins (for example, mercury) used as a preservative in vaccines.

Homeopathy shortens each flu phase and, if used soon enough, can prevent the disease altogether.

It offers the possibility of actually fighting the virus.

If a cold or flu has developed, there are many remedies which can help you get over the illness. These must be chosen according to the symptoms and signs which accompany them.

If you come in contact with an infected person, take a dose of Aconite as soon as possible. It's a good remedy for violent sneezing, coughing and a fever.

If you are experiencing pressure at the root of your nose accompanied by a watery discharge and feel confused and unable to think clearly, Baptisia is for you.

Choose Belladonna if you have a sudden high fever with clammy skin, a pulsating headache and intolerance to light and noise. You may even get delirious and children may see monsters and frightful images.

Bryonia is a good choice for anyone with a fever who doesn't want to move around and needs to hold the chest while coughing.

When a person is downcast, prostrate, running a high fever without thirst, has muscular pains and irritating cough, Gelsemium will help.

A lot of watery nasal discharge calls for Nat-mur. When the nasal discharge is thick, yellow and stringy and the mucus membranes are swollen, Kali Bich can be helpful.

If the person is agitated, unsettled in bed, has a high fever, feels stiff and aching, choose Rhus-tox. Herpes or stomach pains often accompany these symptoms.

Flu can leave you feeling tired and under-par for several weeks. China will help with fatigue, anaemia and falls in blood pressure.

Frequent colds indicate a weakened immune system. In such cases, constitutional treatment by a professional homeopath is highly recommended.

Elizabeth Whitney is a qualified, registered homeopath and can be contacted at the Advanced Homeopathic Centre, 62 Palmeira Avenue, Hove. Call 01273 390938 or email