Whenever we visit relations in Hove it seems they and other residents are under siege. There is always some outrageous proposal with which they have to contend.

"Look at this!" they say, waving The Argus at us and jabbing a finger at a picture and headline.

"What will they say this time?" we always ask ourselves. Only recently our arrival was greeted with, "Who on earth gave permission for that new Tesco store? It makes motorway service stations look as if they had sprung from the drawing board of Sir Christopher Wren!"

And now, we read in the Times Literary Supplement that a councillor called Sue John wants to move Hove Library into a room at the town hall.

By contrast with Tesco, the library opposite is a lovely building. How could anybody think of using your ugly town hall instead?

It used to be said that sea air was a reason to visit the South Coast. But we are beginning to suspect that, on this evidence, the air has done something strange to some of those who breathe it.

We hope by the time we visit again, this scheme will have been squashed.

-Gwyn and Pete Fraser, Newtown Unthank, Leicestershire