As a long-term resident of Peacehaven, I am incensed at the plans by Southern Water to dump Brighton and Hove's waste in our back gardens.

We are told sites at Newhaven are too far away but land at Lower Hoddern Farm shares a back fence with Newhaven and will require considerable road restructuring to access.

Anyone who drives in or out of Peacehaven at rush hour will know what problems this will add.

But why are we considering sites outside of Brighton and Hove anyway?

It's the City's waste but Councillor Ken Bodfish would prefer the benefits of an ice rink.

Peacehaven's campaign against any proposal is dissipated by the fact we have to pay taxes to two water companies, unlike Brighton and Hove residents who only pay to Southern Water - another anomaly that pains us.

-Mrs Jean Clapton, Peacehaven