A dummy David Blaine, imprisoned in a plastic box suspended high in the air, is drawing astonished stares from drivers on the A27.

The famous illusionist is trying to endure 44 days in his box in London with only water to sustain him.

Like Blaine, the character who appeared over the main road in Chichester is doing nothing and attracting a lot of attention.

Rick Knight, manager of Beaver Tool Hire, decided to suspend the box containing a lookalike mannequin from a crane outside the business to amuse his customers and passers-by.

He said: "It's just a bit of fun, really. Luckily no one has pelted him with raw eggs yet, unlike the real David Blaine.

"It's good publicity and has created a bit of intrigue. Hopefully it is making people laugh.

"We'll leave him up there for a good few weeks yet - we'll definitely beat the real thing."